Dr Neil Sinclair

Dr Neil Sinclair (BAppSc GradDipSS MPsych PhD CPsychol) has practiced as a Clinical Psychologist since 1982 and accepts referrals within general adult mental health and primary care (GP)
He has extensive experience in learning disability, community, and forensic settings, and specialises in the assessment and treatment of severe challenging and offending behaviour, including clinical risk management
Neil has comprehensive knowledge of service provision including National Minimal Standards, Clinical Governance and Programme design and implementation
Dr Sinclair has lectured at several Universities in the UK and Australia, held senior Clinical Psychology and Clinical Services posts, and has prepared medico-legal reports for Criminal Proceedings including Crown Court

Dr Neil Sinclair (BAppSc GradDipSS MPsych PhD CPsychol) has practiced as a Clinical Psychologist since 1982 and accepts referrals within general adult mental health and primary care (GP)