Consulting Forensic Psychology Services


SSC Consulting Forensic Psychology Services work with clients and professionals to offer training and consultancy, psycho-legal (medico-legal) services, and offence-specific risk assessments. We specialise in providing forensic psychology services in relation to clients with neuro-divergence, including autism spectrum disorder (referred to as ‘autism’ hereafter), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and intellectual disability. We also have extensive experience of providing forensic psychology services to a range of clients without neurodevelopmental disorders.

Psycho-legal services

Our team provides independent psycho-legal assessments and reports to solicitor firms and other third-party organisations for clients who are alleged to have committed a criminal offence, have been convicted of an offence, are at risk of committing an offence, or who have been victims of crimes. These reports can address court considerations such as fitness to plead, assistance and support required in court, background factors (e.g. social and family factors, and mental health factors such as neurodivergence, mental illness, and previous trauma), mitigating circumstances, relevant information to inform consideration of mental state (Mens Rea) at the time of the alleged offence, and risk assessment and management.  These can also include diagnostic assessments where appropriate (e.g. autism or intellectual disability), and offence-specific psychometrically based assessment reports for criminal court, family proceedings, and parole hearings. 

Training and advice to Providers

We provide bespoke training to both public and independent service providers covering a range of topics in the areas of forensic and clinical psychology. This can include training on topics such as:

  • Risk assessment and management;
  • Working with individuals with sex offending or sexually risky behaviour histories;
  • Assessing and managing risk of violence in services;
  • Working with legal frameworks such as:
    • Bail conditions
    • Probation or Parole orders
    • Sexual Harm or Offending orders (SHPO, SOPO)
    • Mental Health and Mental Capacity Acts;
  • Working with severely traumatised service users. 

Other Forensic Psychology services

Our Forensic Psychologists also offer reports to other agencies within the criminal justice system such as Prisons, Secure Hospitals, Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme, Probation and Parole services, Victim Support, and Correctional services where required. These can include assessment of psychological trauma, assessment and management of future offending risk (using specialised risk assessment tools), and diagnostic assessments (e.g. autism and intellectual disability).

These assessments are comprehensive and would usually include psychometric assessment, clinical interviews, informant interviews, file reviews, and use of specialised risk assessment tools. We are flexible in our approach, and we are happy to discuss referrals for clients in restricted environments, such as prisons and secure hospitals.

Further information

Our Team’ page provides an overview of our team members and their areas of specialism. Further details and CVs can be made available to solicitors and other professionals on request.


We welcome referrals from solicitors, service providers, parole boards, and other organisations, and look forward to hearing from you to discuss your needs. Please contact us by email at or see our ‘Contact Us’ page for further details about how to get in touch.