Dr Linda Strong

Dr Linda Strong (BAppSc GradDipPsych GradDipCS DPsych AFBPsS CPsychol) is a Clinical Psychologist and EMDR Europe Accredited Consultant/Supervisor/Training Facilitator with broad experience in adult mental health
She specialises in the assessment and treatment of psychological trauma, depression and anxiety disorders using both Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Linda provides clinical supervision to other mental health practitioners and has been invited as a guest speaker to address several professional organisations. She has worked in several settings including in-patient psychiatric hospitals, community mental health teams within the NHS, the Western Australian Police Service, and several private mental health facilities
Within the last fifteen years, Dr Strong has also developed expertise in medico-legal assessment of personal injury and provision of court reports as an expert witness

Dr Linda Strong (BAppSc GradDipPsych GradDipCS DPsych AFBPsS CPsychol) is a Clinical Psychologist and EMDR Europe Accredited Consultant/Supervisor/Training Facilitator with broad experience in adult mental health